Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Is there ever a week in a cancer patients life that they don't have 3 or more appointments?  When does it get less crazy? I am just so tired today. Worn out. Angry. Maybe weary is the best word. I wish that the world would go away. Rest In Peace cancer. Go away and leave me alone.

I think that I will go put myself in time out. Go hide in my room in my comfortable brown chair; go hide in Jesus. Crawl up inside the Spirit of God and hide from my life. Did you ever think about that? That if you are resting in the shadow of His wing, that means that no one can see you? A resting place apart where you can hide and be safe from fear and pain and not having enough of yourself left to go around. A resting place. Make me lie down beside still waters, Jesus, restore my soul.

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