Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cleaning Fairies and Oncology Doctors

The cleaning fairies came yesterday.  My (well, Josh's really) aunt and my adopted family came.  By adopted I mean the kind of people that you love almost instantly.  I've been so tired lately and with sick kiddos (We moved on from barfing to diarrhea; good times, but at least only a couple of us got the barfs.) it was such a blessing to have a great home cooked meal brought and my house is now clean!  Josh's aunt has been wonderful to keep up on the dishes and the laundry.

I have another Oncology check up tomorrow and I am trying to stay peaceful.  Another one of my new (I met her in the last year) breast cancer friends was diagnosed with metastasis to her bones today.  I am so sad for her and trying to stay positive that the aches and body problems that I am experiencing could just be life and don't have to mean cancer has spread.  So, on one hand I am looking forward to my appointment because I want to hear Dr. Cho tell me that my persistent cough is just a bad cold, and on the other hand I am praying my anxiety about my appointment is lifted by Jesus.

Either way, I feel like I have been making strides this week into the land of acceptance of this crazy limbo waiting land and was able to spend a lot more time homeschooling Faith & Caleb today.  They still have more energy for school than I can give, but we did several hours of school and I was proud of myself.

Praying friends, please pray for the sickness in our house to be healed, especially Kate.  Please also pray for my persistent cough.  I've had this cough for over a month now and have some stabbing pain in my lungs off and on.  Please Jesus, help me to be on the mend!  Please also pray for my friend, Kim, who was recently diagnosed with spread to her bones.

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