Thursday, November 13, 2014

7 New Tatoos

I don't write here because I want people to feed bad or guilty.  I write because it helps me to get my feelings out.  Being a cancer patient is very isolating.  I am on a different schedule than the rest of the "normal" planet.  I am at the doctor every day or almost every day and when I am not I am exhausted.  I don't go out like I used to, I am too tired.  It is what it is: cancer sucks. I haven't had a visit from a friend in two months.  I don't say that to make people upset or guilt trip, but because I am lonely.  I am stuck in treatment land with very few people to walk with me.

Maybe it is intimidating to talk with me or to initiate a visit. I get upset and offended more easily these days.  I don't like it when people tell me I have a nice shaped head or how at least I am still alive now.  I don't like it when people tell me how I should be feeling, like "stay positive".  What I want are friends who will care enough to listen.  Even to just listen via this venue.

Let me tell you about my day.

Kate (she turned 1 on Oct 7th! ) is a terrible sleeper and was up again in the middle of the night last night.  She's getting in 1 year molars and the transition off of formula has been really hard for her digestive system. Josh gets up with her in the night because it makes me feel sick to do so.  I don't remember his coming back to bed, but Kate slept from 4am to 8am when I woke up for the morning.  It was kind of a shock to wake up so late on a week day.  Joy was also still asleep and Faith & Caleb had put on a movie when they woke.  I am so grateful for their letting me sleep. 

I have been really struggling with nausea and fatigue this past week.  I don't know why.  I am assuming it is just a long term side effect of the chemo.  I will be asking the radiation oncologist when we meet for our weekly appointment tomorrow.  So although I woke grateful for the extra sleep, I woke up exhausted and nauseous.  My appointment today was what they called "Day 0" and was at 11:45am and so I needed to get a move on to get myself and the kids ready for the day.  Takes me about 35 minutes to drive to the cancer Center. 

Something had to be adjusted on the machine I was to be on and a patient was late so I waited about 1.5 hours to be called back for my appointment.  Not that they are usually late at the center, but so much of a patient's life is waiting for the next thing.  I had marks put on last Wednesday, some of which were taped over so that they wouldn't wash off, so that the techs could align the machine according to the plan drawn up by my doctor.  There were several x-rays done while I was laying in the position that I will receive my radiation in so that they could get exactly set up like the drawings.  I had to lie still for about 1/2 hour in the same position; I don't want to mess them up and endanger my heart any more than necessary.  Then one of the techs came and gave me 7 tattoos; tiny dots in blue ink to help align the lasers for the machine.

It's weird to be there lying on my back with my arms above my head, naked from the waist up, while people I don't know (and yes one of them is male) write on my chest where I used to have a breast so that I can willingly submit myself to radiation.  Maybe I am too tired anymore to feel anything but the strangeness of it.

I got home in time to hug my kids and have a cup of tea while I made some phone calls before I needed to start dinner.  I am still trying to figure out how we are going to be able to afford the gas for 60 miles round trip every day.  When I got home I had to call to set up a meeting with a social worker from the center for tomorrow to see if we can qualify some money for gas.

So crazy, huh? Day 0.  0 days down, 33 days of radiation to go.

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