Thursday, November 13, 2014

MRI results

My mammogram and breast MRI were last Friday.  It was actually a good experience because it was
almost a year ago I walked into Oregon Imaging and was told I had breast cancer.  I was listening to a talk on Focus on the Family’s radio program this morning.  The talk was about loneliness and clinical
depression, but I really liked the guest speaker’s story.  At one point she said something like true
transformation comes when God brings Heaven into your Hell.  So, instead of barfing on the MRI machine as I lay there and watched the techs need another image, and just one more, and hold on, just one more, I got to invite Jesus into my terror and feel peace beyond my ability to comprehend it.  I
really felt like I was going to barf, I was doing deep cleansing breaths and praying, “Hold me, Jesus.”

And I was able to let go of my over-analysis of over facial expression and action by the techs.  And,
I was able to let go of getting prompt news.

Paula Sieva, the breast cancer coordinator, called me a little bit ago.  Always a great sign when the cancer coordinator calls to tell you news.

“Hi, Stephanie? Do you remember me?”
Yeah, I do.  
You sat with Josh and I as the radiologist cried and told us that I had cancer. 
Last year.  
Last March, actually, 2 days after my birthday.  
“We have the MRI results back and the radiologist found just, well, 2 little areas of concern in
your remaining breast.  Don’t worry, we called your oncologist and he’s okay for us to get another look.  Can you come in on Thursday for a diagnostic ultrasound?”

Oi.  Thank you, Jesus, that you conquered death, and come to rescue us from the very pit of Hell.  Be with us this week.

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