Thursday, November 13, 2014

Matters of the Heart

As some, but not all of you, may know, I was diagnosed with a low-grade congestive heart failure in October due to damage done by chemo.  This was a known possible side effect and the particular drug that likely caused this was considered necessary to preserve my life.  And, we are completely grateful to this day to God both for my life and for modern-day health care that provided me a years I may not have had give treatment options 50 years ago.  I am currently on a beta-blocker and we were still in the process of figuring out things when life got more weird.  Than normal.  Because I am so normal.

The short update is: I'm ok and we are going in for more tests this week.

The long answer: Have you ever looked through someone's prescription glasses that are too strong for you?  And then your eyes kinda feel funny and if you kept them on then your head would feel wrong?  As the kids and I were driving back from a home schooling field trip Friday afternoon I kept thinking, I really need to get more contacts because the sun is to bright and squinting is making my eyes feel funny.  About 3 miles from home I developed a really weird kind of headache.  I mean really weird as in I have never felt anything like it before and don't even know really how to describe it other than I knew that I might pass out while driving.

I started praying like crazy.  Got home, had the kids help me bring things into the house and then sent them all outside to play while I went upstairs to put Matthew down.  Two days before, on Wednesday night I had chest pains but didn't think it was at all serious, probably just the anxiety of being diagnosed with heart failure on Oct 24th and trying to find out how we were going to treat it.  On Friday afternoon as I climbed the stairs with Matthew I went from feeling weird and different and off to feeling wrong.  Deep down, something is REALLY wrong with me wrong.

The dilemma was what to do about it.  We have one vehicle and I had the truck after dropping Josh off at work and Josh's boss had been frustrated with him for taking time off for all my appointments to get dx with heart failure to begin with.  I lay down with Matthew and nursed him for a few minutes and then was like, "OK.  I either need to call Josh or call 911."  I called Josh at work and asked him to try and find a ride home asap.  He asked me to take my pulse rate, was my heart racing?  Yeah, nope.  I count was 22 beats in 30 seconds and now I was actively trying not to pass out.  Thankfully after a couple of phone calls I got a hold of another home schooling mom and she (praise God) bailed on her afternoon plans to go home so we could bring her the kids.  4 kids.  Just before dinner.  Got to love God-friends!

We made it into the ER around 4:45pm, waited for the receptionist window to open up and said, "chest pain" and they took me right away :).  I was really out of it: freezing cold and shaking, my blood pressure was 195/70 but my pulse was not racing.  I got hooked up to the heart monitors and they tested my blood for heart attack and then the answers from the docs got a little weird.  They told us that I was having a panic attack, that my neck muscles were tight and constricting my airway/heart rate and that after a few more tests we could go home.  If I am being charitable, which I don't feel at the moment, then the old fashion male protectiveness of the fragile female came into play and they didn't want me to worry.  They saw a 36 yr old mom with a baby with her.  Better to dx me with hysteria than to treat me like a rational thinking being capable of NOT FREAKING OUT EXCESSIVELY over stressful news :).

A couple of more tests and we were let out after 9:30pm with a prescription for heart burn of all things, and told to call the cardiologist on Monday.  My discharge papers read: atypical chest pain and globus hystericus.  I thought, and I think was told, that it was all in my head/psychosomatic illness.  We didn't get home from picking up the kids at Robyn's till late and slept in on Sat.

By mid Sat afternoon, I was like, really?  Did I really create all that? I still felt like crap.  Then I remembered that on my discharge papers there is an access code to go to the online portal for chart information.  I'm kinda mad right now.  Yes, my heart enzymes were not elevated and my chest x-ray was normal, but BOTH of my EKGs were abnormal with lots of exclamation points and medical jargon that when I look up the definition means that I AM NOT OUT OF MY MIND thankyouverymuch!  For those of you in the medical profession or who like to look stuff up, I had: "sinus bradycardia"; "T wave abnormality-inverted T waves, consider inferolateral ischemia"; "prolonged QT"; "non-specific T wave abnormality".  And I am, apparently, not pregnant :).

Josh and I knew that with a congestive heart failure dx, even a mild case, we might be in for a ride, and I guess that ride started a bit earlier than we were expecting!  I'm guessing from looking stuff up that there will be lots of opportunities for my new homeschooling mom-friends to watch my kids:).  If my reading of things is correct then I am at a really high risk of "cardiac events" like I just had where I get dizzy, pass out, have seizures, or have a heart attack because my heart is not regulating it's beat very well.  The top of my heart is not "talking" to the bottom.

I'll try to let you all know what is happening.  Please pray for Josh as he tells his boss today what is going on and that he needs more time off this week for appointments.  Please pray for peace for us both as this is so stressful and scary.  Please pray for us to find/get into a GOOD cardiologist, I was not happy with the one we saw last time.  Please pray for us as we consider ways to talk about my condition with the kids.  We have an apt with our "old" cardiologist tomorrow and with the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL Dec 1st.

Love you guys and thanks ahead of time for the prayers,

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