Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gratitude for Saturday

This is my gratitude list for yesterday, Saturday, April 6th.  I’ll post my thanks for today, after I finish
typing the list.  Probably will end up being tomorrow.

21.  I woke up this morning and didn’t have cancer.
22.  I woke up to my husband sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing my back with one hand.
23.  I didn’t feel exhausted when I woke up.
24.  I got ready this morning knowing that I got to go to morning Mass; what a privilege, to be able to go to church practically whenever I want.
25.  The soft, black corduroy shirt that Josh’s aunt and uncle gave to him.
26.  My favorite jeans from Goodwill.
27.  Coffee: it’s smell and taste when I get up, how it just feels like morning, and good things when I hold a hot mug.
28.  My husband for making my coffee almost every day.

A lot of people have gripes and such about how our pastor isn’t Jesus Christ come down in the flesh but you know?

29.  We have a pastor.
30.  We have a great Priest, who loves us, prays for us, and…
31.  Brings us Jesus every time we come together at Mass.
32.  Kate fussed for most of Mass and I got to practice what I preach: loving even when it’s hard and living an unselfish life.
33.  Father Peter anointed me with the Oil of the Sick after Mass and said a special prayer for my healing while I was surrounded by Josh and the kids.
34.  We own a car that still runs.
35.  We have been blessed with four kids.
36.  Food in the fridge.
37.  I have arms to hold my husband and he holds me back.
38.  After almost 10 years of marriage, I am still in love.
39.  My husband for entertaining the kids while I write.
40.  I have a computer, and paper for a journal.
41.  I have a bible in my own language.
42.  We don’t have to share our house with another family.
43.  Our house has a wood floor instead of a dirt floor.
44.  Whenever I need to do laundry, I walk into our pantry instead of the ¼ mile down to the river.
45.  Running water in. my. house.
46.  I actually have a plan of what I am going to make for dinner.
47.  I have enough to feed my family when so many in the world will go hungry.
48.  Napping with a snuggly toddler.
49.  The way Kate’s face looks when she is sleeping.

Today is the two year anniversary of my mastectomy.  
Because of cancer:
50.  I have learned how to deal with anxiety through stubborn (perseverant) prayer.
51.  I am so much more compassionate to others who suffer now.
52.  I am so much quicker to pray and to say thank you.
53.  I am able to receive help more easily.
54.  I let my house get dirty and focus on loving my family when I’m tired.
55.  I have been able to see Josh grow so tremendously as a person.
56.  I have had a lot of time to read, which I love to do.
57.  I have learned how to unite my suffering to the Cross of Christ, and I don’t mean this in some cheesy way.  Suffering sucks, but I have learned how I can transform it by giving it to Jesus, or uniting it to his suffering.
58.  I have met some amazing young women who have also had a cancer diagnosis.
59.  Although I had a dinner plan, Josh cooked.
60.  Kids all tucked in bed for the night.

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